The key role of iPaaS in modern businesses
In today’s digital landscape, traditional integration methods struggle to keep pace with evolving business needs. iPaaS help you interconnect all your systems together, orchestrating N systems at the time, to achieve your business outcomes.
CRM data archiving and backup strategy
Is your CRM getting bloated with more and more old data? Do you have a Salesforce data archiving strategy? Implementing a good iPaaS platform like Tray.io and a solid cloud strategy can help you reduce your ongoing SaaS bills.
Salesforce World Tour 2024 - Sydney
Salesforce World Tour 2024. What is Salesforce World Tour and our recap, experience, highlights and thoughts about this year’s Sydney event.
Streamline CRM Calls via Slack with Salesforce
Improve the efficiency of your sales team!
How? With a quick and easy “get next call” functionality directly from within Slack.