Are you sending hundreds of high-value proposals each week in B2B?
Is your 50+ people sales team struggling?

Is your status quo a slow and clunky quoting process within your Customer Relationship Management #CRM?

When your quoting process involves:

  • Complex dependency and bundling rules
  • Discount approval workflows
  • Volume-based pricing
  • Many products

…things can get messy, leading to delays and frustration for both your sales team and your customers.

Complexity slows down your sales team’s ability to deliver accurate, on-time proposals.

Slow proposals = missed sales.
Speed and precision are critical for closing deals.

Why stick with a system and process that costs you business?

There is a better way.

I was just discussing this in a CRM forum.

Have you considered a fully integrated Configure Price Quote (#CPQ) solution?

A CPQ can streamline your entire proposal process, especially when seamlessly integrated with your CRM.

Here is how it helps:

  • Question and Answer configuration (not just products and line items)
  • Support for complex business rules and pricing models
  • Secure sharing and collaboration with customers
  • Fast, seamless and precise proposal creation
  • Multi-level approval workflows
  • Digital deal signatures

A fully integrated CRM + CPQ can bring you one step closer to your ideal Quote-To-Cash process.

The benefits?

  • Save time on every proposal
  • Improve proposal quality by reducing errors
  • Ensure your team selects the right products, pricing, and adheres to business constraints
  • Get in front of prospects faster, increasing your chances of closing deals before competitors

Know someone struggling with their proposal process?

Mention them in this post to help improve their #B2B proposal creation!

HubSpot Salesforce SugarCRM

Eyal Orgil Eyal Elbahary Alon Lubin Chris Jankos

#QuoteToCash #DigitalTransformation #Business

I am Enrico 👋 and I improve B2B businesses with tech.

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